Monday, March 30, 2009

Statements Distinctive Tile & Stone

Honesty seems to be difficult thing to impress on clients these days. Our world has been turned upside down and backwards with wall street bailouts, CEO parties and bonuses, and record profits for big oil companies. As a business owner I have to sell myself, my product and the customer has to trust me.
With that in mind, Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Ryan Calkins the president of Statements Distinctive Tile & Stone.
Having never met Ryan in person, he immediately impressed me with his product line, the immense amount of tips, products, bios and much more found at,
and his trustworthiness over the phone.
I plan to visit their showroom in Seattle's very own Georgetown where I know I will find modern, contemporary, avant guard selection of tiles and more luxury classics like Jeffrey Court Ceramic Tile.
These product lines will be nothing like you have seen before...especially if you are shopping for tiles at large depot style stores where the quality suffers and is seconds at best.
Trust is a hard thing to come by these days soooooo designers, customers, installers, industry leaders do your homework. Get to know suppliers, manufacturers and start a good healthy trustworthy relationship from the get go. Our ultimate goal is to provide our customers with the best of everything and in turn our reward is a lifelong customer.

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