Friday, March 27, 2009

Designers Choice Products Found at Ecohaus In Seattle

When I asked one of my favorite designers, at Space A Design Collective in Seattle, Emily Lauderback where she shops for some of her products she mentioned Ecohaus. Being in the trade of flooring I did not have a clue as to what store she was talking about. So I decided to check it out.

Here is what I thought. A store that has all the major products to give your home a face lift...with a eco-friendly touch. Tiles, Flooring, Hardware, Cabinents, Countertops the works. Keep in mind that most all eco friendly products will be more costly than non eco friendly products...this topic could be reserved for its own blog. Think of it as an investment in the earth.

If browsing is your thing you will not have a problem here...lots of space to ponder your renovation dreams and products to boot.

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