What do you do when that old linoleum floor just is not looking all that great? It has some dings, the finish is dull, the surface is scratched and soiled, has a hole or crack on the surface. Have no fear.Repairing true linoleum like Forbo's Marmoleum or Armstrong's Marmorette is quite easy for a trained professional. A linoleum installer is trained in repairing these problems and the nature of linoleum is that it can be fixed....hence the term that linoleum has been coined the "the 40 year floor" by the industry.
Refinishing an old floor is as easy as stripping off the old finish and applying new. Holes can be fixed to near perfect and scratches can usually be cleaned and resealed. Just find the right person willing to take the time to explore some of the ways of sprucing up an old linoleum floor.
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6 years ago